Leggalicious! (licking lips)

Yea... yea, I said it.... if Beyonce can do it---- SO CAN I! (smirk)
I'm a true six foota! That's right fellas.... 36 inches of pure, lean, long, dark, creamy... you got it--- LEGS! What I lack in ass, I definitely make up for it in legs! (smiling)
I'm partly frustrated with the limited selection of clothing for tall women that sport a slightly longer inseam than most. Don't get me wrong--- I'm comfortable in my skin and I absolutely LOVE my height... I'm just not feeling the drama I encounter when looking for tall pants.
Some stores claim to carry a longer line that caters to tall women but I often find myself disappointed and yet again pantless (you know who you are). Come on now... 32" doesn't quite cut it as "tall" in my book! I mean... if my 5'5" homegirl is shopping on that rack what makes them think those same pants will hit below my ankles?? Man, I can't even pretend they're capri pants! Oh and don't think I didn't notice that most stores only carry 2-3 pair! (hummph)
The search is on! For those of you who share my pain... I'll keep you posted!
What about shorter/stalkier females with athletic builds? You know what I'm talking about -- big quads/hamstrings??? I guess I need to start a blog for us! LOL
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