Is there anymore room for me... in those jeans? (as Ginuwine puts it)
Shopping for pants SUX but here are a few spots that I occasionally check out...
1. Tall Girl Shop-->they still need to work on the fit because the rise can be a bit high (looks something like your grandmother's pants hiked up to the bitties)
2. Limited or Express-->same thing in my book... I usually have to try on a few pair to find the right cut and I usually go for ones with a cuff so I can let it out for the perfect fit.
3.> alright these jeans are CHEAP ($20-$40) but they're good for a few wears-- just don't wash after every use! I know it's sounds disgusting but it extends the life of those bad boys. They carry up to a 37" inseam.
4.> they carry Lucky Brand and Silver jeans with 34''-37'' inseams... can be a bit pricey but definitely worth it. They even offer styles that "stretch" to fit hips, thighs and butts!

Rumor has it that GAP carries a line called Long and Lean, found exclusively online. Who's bright idea was it not to carry them in the stores so we could try them on?? Like we wouldn't want to try our pants on too? Anyway, I'll check this one out for myself... gotta see it to believe it! Or should I say... gotta buy it to try it!
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